Thursday, February 15, 2007

on my mind

I can't blame the weather because it is sunny for the first time in days but yet I find myself sitting in my corner office as I like to call it looking out the window and in some sort of funk. I am actually quite thankful to have a window at my desk and enjoying the sun reflecting off the fresh snow which is literally blinding me as I stare at it while I type. I haven't had much time to think during the day this week as we have been short staffed at work and the phone has been ringing non-stop with store calls. This is my job to answer the phone when a store calls but this week I have been somewhat envious of Kona our chocolate not so little anymore lab puppy who is at home sleeping or up and exploring every inch of her 36" inch crate that she can barely sit up in without banging her head on the top. I'd love to let her run free but as any dog owner will understand she is completely untrustworthy!! Overall life is pretty good right now but I'm grinding my teeth pretty bad at night which means I am stressed. Too much change going on right now and some it can't really be talked about so that makes it hard. On the bright side we had an incredible Valentines Day. My wife is amazing. I better get back to work but after I play Robb in a little game of around the world. Our new office basketball hoop has increased productivity by 17%. I wonder what Kona is thinking about right now?

1 comment:

Heather Green said...

Great start! I want to read more!!! :)